Ten Cool Las Vegas Wedding Options

If you are planning a wedding in Las Vegas, can not be aware of all the opportunities available to you. Here are ten interesting options for Las Vegas wedding. Although it may not be as famous as the wedding many chapels in Las Vegas has certainly leave the impression that lasts the same.

1. Helicopter Weddings - Many chapels in Las Vegas wedding, as well as Papillon Helicopter Tours, offer helicopter weddings. The ceremony will take place as you fly above the glitz and glamor of Las Vegas Strip, or if you have the option of flying to the Grand Canyon and saying your wedding there.

2. Red Rock Canyon - Many places offer wedding packages wedding in this part of the canyon. Red Rock Canyon is located west of Las Vegas and offers stunning scenery making it an ideal site for weddings.

3. Weddings yacht - You can have your wedding on a private yacht of 60 meters, as it floats around on beautiful Lake Las Vegas.

4. Gondola Weddings - Weddings can also take place in a gondola at Lake Las Vegas. The Venetian offers gondola weddings as well. Are held in a Venice hotel channel on the subject.

5. Mount Charleston - Mount Charleston is less than an hour from Las Vegas Strip. It is a popular Las Vegas getaway, especially in the summer months when temperatures are usually thirty degrees cooler than the Valley. The hotel and lodging on the mountain both offer wedding packages.

6. Lake Mead Weddings - You can get married on a boat two-level Mississippi style paddlewheel while floating around this famous man made lake.

7. Stratosphere Roller Coaster - If you're really adventurous, say I do on this roller coaster is on top of a tower standing 1100.

8. Bonnie Springs Old Nevada - This replica of a 1880 West old mining town is located west of Las Vegas at the Red Rock Canyon area. The town includes a western style chapel where ceremonies can be performed. BBQ dinners are available for weddings.

9. The famous Las Vegas sign - A few Las Vegas chapels can arrange a wedding ceremony in this famous monument in Las Vegas.

10. Weddings in hot air balloon - What could be cooler to become husband and wife as you soar above the earth in a balloon?

So if you want to get married in Las Vegas, knowing they are not limited to having a ceremony at a wedding chapel. Wedding locations in Las Vegas offers many opportunities to let your imagination when planning your big day.